We breed Giant Embdens and American Blue and Lavender Geese, all derived from Holderread top show quality breeders. We are maintaing these breed lines for those interested in top quality geese for show. They are also very friendly, make great pets, mow (and fertilize) your lawn and can warn you of intruders.
Our speciality is heritage Silver Appleyard (pictured with Pekins in foreground), a beautiful dual purpose duck weighing 7-8 lbs and producing about 240 eggs/yr. Our breeding stock came from Holderread's top show quality breeders. We also now breed Swedish ducks.
Each egg carton represents a mix of eggs from our heavy weight breeds and our Olympic Whites, all of whom produce exceptionally large eggs. Our restaurant customers swear by their delicious creamy flavor and deep colored yolks a result of their daily life foraging on pasture.
Our eggs are sold at Bay Hay and Feed (Bainbridge Island) and Olmsteads Nursery (Poulsbo)
Farm processed waterfowl are available a few times a year for on farm pick up only and require pre-order.